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Why Every High Schooler Should Job Shadow

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Isabella Thomas Lower Moreland Township High School, Class of 2024 Before job shadowing with The Communication Solutions Group, I had no idea what to expect. As a senior in high school, I never had any internship experience before. When my school, Lower Moreland Township High School, announced that each senior was required to partake in a three-week long field experience, I was nervous and wondered how it would go. I questioned what the staff …

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How Interning at CSG Helped Me Grow and Gain Confidence

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Olivia Funk La Salle University, Class of 2025 As a junior communication major still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do, it was very intimidating coming into my first internship. I excelled in my communication classes but wasn’t sure how that was going to translate to working in the real world. I soon found out that not only was I more prepared than I thought but that I would also be …

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Internship Reflection: Improving My Writing and Editing

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Camille Fleming Penn State University, Class of 2024 When searching for my first internship, I wanted to ensure I would be in a work environment that would teach me new concepts and develop my writing and editing styles. I wanted to avoid the meaningless internships that only involve coffee runs or just transferring phone calls that are frequently portrayed in movies. Luckily, my internship at The Communication Solutions Group was nothing of the sort. …

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To Win Voter Support for Your Fire Dept Budget 2/17, Educate Your Voters Now!

In All News, Blog by Kellie

If you clicked on this page, chances are good that the budget you require to successfully run your fire department will require a “Yes” vote from your residents on February 17. This is not the time to panic. It’s the time to plan. Start with a free, no-obligation workshop conducted at your fire department:  “Garnering Voter Approval: Strategies for Success.” Presenting at no cost by The Communication Solutions Group, we will share the communication strategy …

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How to Secure an Internship in Public Relations

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Camille Fleming Penn State University, Class of 2024 My lifelong passion has been writing, and as a college student, I developed an intense interest in the field of public relations and communications. While I was still unsure about my career path, I learned that the career fair at my university was approaching.  I wanted to determine if this was really something I wanted to do, so I decided it was time to seek out …

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Interning at CSG: A Steppingstone to My PR Career

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Meghan Cooney LaSalle University, Class of 2024 Walking into your first internship you can be filled with many emotions and questions. What’s the workplace going to be like? What are the people going to be like? What will I be doing? Will I be good enough? Am I ready for this? Walking into Communications Solutions Group, or CSG as it later became known to me, immediately soothed all those fears and worries that a …

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Intern Will Gregory Reflects on Professional Experience

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Will Gregory Penn State Abington, Class of 2023 If you would have told me a year ago, that I’d have an unforgettable internship experience during my final semester of college, I would have let out a much-needed sigh of relief. The process of finding an internship was an extremely stressful obligation for me. Relevant experience is a currency that never depreciates in value. For that reason, it’s difficult to obtain at the beginning of …

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Communication Solutions Welcomes New Public Relations Associate

In All News, Blog by Kellie

The Communications Solutions Group welcomes Cassie Morrison to the team as a Public Relations Associate. Cassie brings a wide variety of experience to the company and multiple years of news reporting experience. Cassie most recently worked as a newspaper reporter for “The Daily Mississippian” where she was a finalist for the Region 12 Society of Professional Journalists award. “Cassie’s newswriting experience is a great asset to our clients and we are thrilled that she was …

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Leza Raffel Provides School District with Pointers on Communicating their 2023-24 Budgets to Stakeholders

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Will Gregory, Intern from Penn State Abington Leza Raffel, president of The Communication Solutions Group and public relations professional, visited the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit for a presentation catered to aid the business managers of school districts with communication strategies. The presentation was held in Norristown, Pa., this January. Raffel presented “Garnering Community Support for the 2023-2024 Budget: Why Communication is Critical.” A large talking point from the event was the importance of a …

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Jared Lamberg Reflects on Hands-On Summer Internship

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Jared Lamberg Indiana University, Class of 2023 Starting a New Position Prior to starting my summer internship with The Communication Solutions Group, I had very little expectations. Although I was excited to start a new position, I was not very knowledgeable about what exactly I would be doing on a day-to-day basis for the company. Right when I walked in on my first day of work here at “ComSol,” a nickname for the company, …