STEM Major Hones Her Creativity Skills in PR

In All News, Blog by Kellie

By Kayla McCray
La Salle University, Class of 2026

My “Special Set of Skills”

It always feels good to put your skills to good use for others, no matter what they are. Many people throughout my life know me for my self-taught skills in video and media production, hence why it’s always so surprising to them when I mention that I’m actually a STEM major. That’s right, at La Salle University, I study Integrated Science, Business and Technology (or ISBT for short). Before many of my fellow La Sallians knew me for what I’m studying, they knew me for my participation in our Communications major centered (but not exclusive) club, La Salle TV. Why do I do it? Well, for fun! Being the host of the La Salle’s entertainment news show was my main outlet to engage in my creativity, production skills and interests outside of my major. What can I say, while I love my science, I love my art too!

Interning at Communication Solutions

Using my skills at The Communication Solutions Group this summer as an intern has been very rewarding. Instead of just making video edits and Canva designs either for fun or for my little extracurricular activities at college, I’m making them for Communication Solutions’ clients to reach their customer base. I’ve worked closely with their fire company clientele, and I got to witness firsthand how my campaigns helped to bring them new volunteer firefighters.  It feels more tangible, knowing that I played a small part in getting more people involved in their communities through their local fire department. Some of my favorite projects included making Instagram promotional reels and FAQ posts for various fire companies in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

I’ve even had the pleasure of being a production assistant and a camera person on a video shoot for LaMott Fire! Being on this shoot was particularly satisfying, as I got to showcase my skills developed from La Salle TV in a “real scenario” and be of aid to the team. Not only was I building upon my video production skills, but I was also allowed to explore different avenues of PR that I’ve never had a chance to, like writing press releases. My time here at Communication Solutions allowed me the space to take the reins on certain projects, but to also grow and expand on skills I may not have realized I had.

The Work-Life

When you’re a first-time intern, you take away much more than just field experience. You essentially get a snapshot of what your potential work-force life holds post college degree. You learn what it’s like to work from 9-5 and have office etiquette. You’ll learn the importance of communicating with others, and understanding your work style. You learn routine, and how important it is to get up in enough time to travel. You learn how to budget for lunch out, or to properly pack a healthy lunch from home that will last you the whole day. You even get to know the community that surrounds your place of work more in depth; I’ve been riding through this end of Old York Road since childhood, but it wasn’t until taking walks during my lunch breaks that I got to explore the nostalgic landmarks of Jenkintown beyond the car rides.

Most importantly, you get to learn what goes into making a company run smoothly. I’ve sat in on Monday team meetings, and general client meetings with company President Leza Raffel and Kellie Francello, touching base on ideas and strategizing with said clients. It’s here that I recognized how much organization is needed to work efficiently.

I know now from this experience that a career path involving my skillsets is in fact a tangible possibility. I may not know exactly what field I’ll work in once I graduate, but I realize that PR is needed in any field, including science, business or technology. Thanks to Leza, Jessica, Kellie, and Linda here at Communication Solutions, I definitely know that I’ll be able to put my skills to good use anywhere I go.

Kayla McCray is from Philadelphia, Pa., and will be a junior at La Salle University this fall. She’s quite the film buff and loves watching movies with friends and family in her free time, along with listening to music, video editing, taking public transportation and volunteering.