Volunteer Recruitment: Ringing Hill Fire Co.

In All News, Membership Case Studies by admin

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Before the campaign, Ringing Hill’s goal was to obtain five new members over a four year period for a total of 20 volunteers. The target audience was anyone in Ringing Hill’s boundary in Lower Pottsgrove Township, PA, between the ages of 16-45 who would be interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter, junior firefighter, fire police or auxiliary member. 

The recruitment campaign contained the following components to garner inquiries:

  • Visioning session to guide brand creation
  • Photoshoot of volunteers to be used throughout the campaign
  • Website development and content updates
  • Design and printing of recruitment materials
  • Targeted face-to-face recruitment
  • Social media management
  • Targeted digital ads
  • Publicity 


Before the campaign, Ringing Hill had 29 members with a goal to obtain five new members over a four year period for a total of 20 volunteers. In the first nine months of the campaign, Ringing Hill exceeded its goal by receiving 44 inquiries and 26 new members. 

“Without Communication Solutions’ guidance, we would not have been able to gain the quality and quantity of new members that we have.”
– Derek Dry, Chief, Ringing Hill